About We Was

Hi to everybody! To begin with I introduce myself…I’m Stefania, nickname Stellina, the new member of the editorial staff of this blog. The founder and webmaster Vincenzo, Jacopo and I are three university students who have decided to collaborate together in order to create a new kind of blog.
In our opinion a blog is a medium to express own ideas and own creativity in a free way. Our blog must not be only a trend or a medium to express only polical ideas: it is a place where you can put out your opinions and discuss over every themes.
My idea to collaborate to this blog came from a personal convinction: if you have a dream, you must try to release it. Yes it is so. I have seen this blog like an opportunity to show my creativity and to use my fantasy.

Presentazione Articoli Molte Lingue

Now the blog is growing and we have new proposals: translating articles in other languages and the creation of a fashion column, run by me. We would like to create a contact with young people from other countries.
I hope you will leave a lot of comments and opinions about our articles and collaborate with us.

“About Us” In Other Languages:

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